Yelta and Kharii are The Sumasu Sisters. We are sisters in real life and have played video games together for years. We are both married with children and enjoy many of the same hobbies.
Sumasu Sisters on Twitter: @SumasuSisters
Yelta Sumasu
Twitter: @YeltaSumasu
I work full time as a programmer/analyst and enjoy movies, music, and spending time with my family. One of my biggest hobbies is gaming of all types. Board games, card games, dice games, role-playing games, and of course video games. My favorite type of video game is by far the MMO and my favorite role in those types of games is healer. I love mage classes and to heal and play support roles. DD can also be fun but not as fun as healing and tanking scares me.
Kharii Sumasu
Twitter: @KhariiSumasu
I work as an office professional for a financial advisor, and when I'm not watching movies or tv, reading trashy romance novels, cooking with my husband, or hanging out with my son, I play games. A lot like Yelta, I play a variety of things from board games and trading card games to D&D, Pathfinder, and word puzzles. Video games are my passion. I play a ton of different DS, Wii, and XBox games, but my favorite system is my PC. My favorite PC games include Minecraft, any Sims game ever created, Civilization, and any Final Fantasy title ever released. My first MMO was Final Fantasy 11, and I despised it until level 20, at which point I was hooked completely. I tried WoW, Aion, Conan, Lego Universe, and a couple others, but nothing has given me the satisfaction, community, and feeling of accomplishment I got from FFXI. I'm a tank to the core, and healing scares me.
My most played video games of the past year: Minecraft, Ark, House Flipper, Slime Rancher, Sims 4, Stardew Valley, My Time at Portia, Subnautica, MapleStory 2, and Don't Starve/Together.
My favorite board games: Caverna, Robinson Crusoe, Catan, Pandemic / Legacy, Mice & Mystics, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Clank!, Sushi Go, Splendor, Imperial Settlers, and Century: Spice Road. I also still adore Sequence, Yahtzee, and good, old fashioned card games.
Nice to meet you guys, you have a really nice clean blog!