
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Twin Win

Not much to say really except that after a total of ~10-12 hours the new static murdered a dragon. Some had never seen the inside of turn 5 before joining the static and a few of us had seen snakes a few times. 

We are really proud of our group and excited to start working on turn 6 next!

Mistress Abs and Lady Emo Tutu Celebrate

The Dragon Dispatchers

Friday, May 9, 2014

Let Me Explain... No, There is Too Much. Let Me Sum Up

It has been a very busy time for us since 2.2 came out.

Yelta and Kariri (along with our good friend Rubicon) decided that our current Coil team was no longer making weekly progress so we bowed out.

Yelta and Kariri (along with our good friend Rubicon) decided that our current FC was not meeting our needs so we bowed out.

We hung out homeless and without a static for a week or so and weighed our options. Join a FC of a friend? Seek out a recruiting FC that might fit us?